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Kenilworth CCTV Register is Live!

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How you can help deliver a step change in crime prevention and detection in Kenilworth

As 2020 starts, we are pleased and excited to be able to offer what we believe can be a step-change in helping protect our property and community of Kenilworth.

Kenilworth Watch has recently been working with Finham Neighbourhood Watch (Finham NHW) who have developed and operate a very impressive CCTV register that helps both detect and deter criminals. It costs nothing but is a significant element in raising the security of peoples homes specifically and the local community and its area generally.

Finham NHW has already had some MAJOR successes thanks to being able to provide their local Policing Team with good CCTV evidence from members cameras. We are really excited and very grateful to Finham Neighbourhood Watch who offered to build the same system for Kenilworth to enable us to have a CCTV register scheme that can be operated for our community. We are pleased to confirm that Kenilworth now has a CCTV register in place. If you are a resident that has CCTV we'd like you to consider joining the register.

How it Works

In the event of suspicious or criminal activity, we already regularly put out crime alerts. From now on, when something has happened we will be able to send a targeted email to residents who are on the CCTV register and who maybe nearby to the incident. The email will ask the householder to review their CCTV to see if it captures anything that might be related to the incident that has been described. For example, an incident report of a motorbike with a pillion passenger riding up and down specific streets trying doors of cars or properties. If the householder identifies images that they think might be useful, they email us the images back. We, with the householder's permission, can then let our Safer Neighbourhood Policing Team know.

Why set up a CCTV Register System

A CCTV register and communications process can save countless hours of police time in trying to ascertain if and where any CCTV that might help is situated and also help identify any CCTV images that might be useful. It is a brilliant way for members of the community to help protect their own and the wider community's property while at the same time helping our police service to detecting and preventing crime more efficiently.

Nearly 200 householders that have CCTV have already signed up with the Finham scheme and the register has already provided some great results in detecting offenders. There's an added benefit too, deterrence. Word is getting around offenders that it's best to avoid the area because there's a much higher chance of offenders being caught because the community are working together.

Who can sign up

If you have CCTV all you have to do is let us know, there's no charge, and your data remains private and confidential.

Does the scheme have the support of the police

Yes, Kenilworth’s Safer Neighbourhood Team (Warwickshire Police) supports the creation of a CCTV register by Kenilworth Watch. While Kenilworth Watch will be solely responsible for the operation, maintenance and data compliance of the CCTV register, Kenilworth’s SNT have a daily working relationship with Kenilworth Watch and can see how such a facility can help them detect crime but equally as important deter crime too while saving them time in identifying where CCTV may be situated and then contacting householders.

How do I sign up 

It's simple, if you have CCTV at your house or premises, PLEASE let us know. WE DO NOT require access to your system. All we need is an email address (along with the address of the location of your cameras) so that we can contact you without delay should an incident occur in or around your area.

Data Protection

The email and personal address details are held securely, are not shared with ANY third parties. In the event of any images being useful to the police in an investigation, your permission is sought beforehand. The CCTV register meets the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations 2019 (GDPR). Consequently, you can request your personal details are removed and erased completely at any time.

When can I sign up

You can do it now by emailing us with your email address (along with the address of the location of your cameras) and ideally a telephone number. Send these details to

Where we cover

We cover all of Kenilworth including Red Lane and Burton Green.

We would point out that there are localised Neighbourhood Watch schemes that operate within parts of Kenilworth and we DO NOT replace those. If you have a local scheme, we'd encourage you to engage with it.

Kenilworth Watch seeks to keep the community as a whole up to date with police alerts and information via an immediate online system that anyone can sign up to that automatically and immediately sends out an email the minute an alert is issued.  The alerts are also sent out directly by Twitter too.

If you'd like to sign up for automatic alerts, then go our website and enter your email in the subscribe box (it’s free and your email is secure and NOT shared with anyone). You can follow us on Twitter @kenilworthwatch

Who can I contact if I need or want more information

Just email us at and we will aim to get back to you as soon as possible.

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